Managing the expectations of your audience and the relevancy of your pages helps make your entire website one seamless experience. This helps create a sense of comfort and trust in your website and your brand. In turn, that means people will naturally buy more from your website.

What is Relevance?

Relevance means that your website looks and feels like it’s consistent from beginning to end. To give an extreme example, a website about fly fishing that has a web page talking about shoe fashion would be clearly not relevant. That’s an extreme example; of course, as most disconnect in relevance is a lot less obvious.

For instance, let’s say the majority of your users come to your site looking for advice on budget travel. There are ads on your site for luxury luggage. While on the surface the luggage ads target travelers, they’re actually not relevant because they aren’t geared towards the budget minded traveler.

There are many subtle and not-so-subtle ways that a website can break relevance with a visitor. Your goal should be to make your whole website one seamless experience, with every page completely relevant to the end user.

Build Your Relevance Through Keyword Research

To streamline your website so it’s tailored to your audience’s desires, look at your keyword logs. What search phrases are people using to find your website?

If people are finding your website through “how to eat donuts and lose weight,” you probably want to avoid talking about restrictive diets. If people find your website through “how to make money online with no website,” you probably should avoid highly technical web strategies. Figure out the mentality and the general desires of your visitors and tailor your site accordingly.

Creating a Congruent Experience

The designs, layouts, colors, and fonts you use should be either the same or complimentary from beginning to end. The moment someone lands on your site, they start getting a sense for what your brand is. If any of your pages breaks away from that mold, it’ll cause a disconnect.

Look through the various pages on your site. Do any of them seem strikingly different from the rest of your site? If so, it might be a good idea to redo the design to look like the rest of your brand.

Setting Your Reader’s Expectations

The first page your visitors land on is your website’s first impression. It also sets your reader’s expectations for your website. Expectations such as:

  • Are they trying to sell me, or am I getting valuable information?
  • What’s the overall “vibe” of the website?
  • What’s the voice of the writer?
  • How expensive are the products? (If they land on a product page.)
  • Etc.

Look at your traffic logs and see which page(s) most of your visitors land on when they first come to your website. What kind of expectations do these pages set? Is that congruent with the rest of your site?

Managing the expectations and relevancy of your website as a whole can help build more trust and comfort, which in turn can help improve your website’s conversions.

Your Assignment

  • Check your stats to see which pages are being landed on and what keywords are being used to find your website.
  • Compare those with your existing design, layout, colors, etc. to ensure it matches your prospects expectations and perceived needs.

What We’ve Covered

Day #1: Examine Your Audience and Your Core Offer
Day #2: Optimizing Your Call to Actions
Day #3: Improve Your Lead Forms and Increase Signups
Day #4: Your Headline – Your Page’s Most Important Sentence
Day #5: Keep Attention With Strong Transitions
Day #6: Web Design Tips for Better Conversions
Day #7: Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment by Improving Your Checkout
Day #8: Boost Conversions by Managing Expectation and Relevance

Coming Up Next

Day #9: Master the Art of Creating Urgency
Day #10: Use Video to Boost Trust and Conversions
Day #11: Add Social Proof to Your Sales Process
Day #12: Accessibility Makes You Real (and Improves Sales)
Day #13: Tailoring Your Guarantee and Return Policy
Day #14: Getting Started With A/B Split Testing
Day #15: More Ideas for Better Conversions