Let’s Get Started on Improving Conversions

You made it! We’ve covered a lot in this better conversions series. By now, you should have several split tests going and have even more solid ideas that you can implement in your business. Before we end the series, I’d like to share with you a handful of tips and ideas that didn’t fit in any of the previous lessons.

Mimic the “Big Sites”

Sites like (or the biggest sites in your industry) actually train consumers on what to expect from a website. For example, more or less pioneered the “Add to Cart” process. Before, everyone was using buy buttons. Now, most people expect an “Add to Cart” process from eCommerce websites.

Look at the processes and layouts of the biggest sites in your industry. Mimicking some of their layouts or functionality can help boost conversions. Give consumers what they’ve come to expect.

Use Retargeting

Getting someone to your website for the first time is expensive. Conversion rates are also quite low. On the other hand, getting someone to come back for the second time is quite cheap. Furthermore, conversion rates are generally a lot higher.

If you’re not currently using ad retargeting, it might be time to start. It can significantly boost your conversion rates for a relatively small investment.  Talk to us about how you can do that.

Build Responsive Websites

The web is increasingly going mobile. Between iPhones, iPads, Androids and other touchscreen devices, people are now spending more than 30% of their online time on the go. If your website isn’t compatible with mobile devices, you’re leaving a boatload of money on the table.

Make your website responsive. Make sure your buy buttons work on mobile devices. Make sure your videos can play. This year it’s already important, next year it’ll be critical.

Regularly Collect Customer Feedback

Customer feedback isn’t just for improving your product. It also informs your marketing. Through feedback, customers tell you what their most important problem was before they purchased your program. They tell you why they bought. They might even tell you why they almost didn’t buy. This data is invaluable when you’re writing sales copy, or when you’re trying to figure out the next product to create. It can also help you figure out what to A/B test next.

Use Multi-Channel Tracking

Google Analytics (and other analytics tools) have the ability to do cross-channel tracking. That means they can tell you what steps someone went through before they bought. For instance, let’s say you sent an email and someone bought a product. Did that email generate the sale?

Well, the initial visitor might have come from a PPC campaign. Perhaps they stayed on the list for a couple weeks, and read a couple blog posts. Then they “Liked” your Facebook page and clicked on a few links from Facebook. Facebook helped build their trust and got them engaged. Finally, they saw your promo email and decided to buy.

Did the email cause the sale? No, it was simply the final link in a chain of channels that built the connection the consumer needed to finally buy. Understanding these kinds of buying patterns is essential for optimizing conversions. Using multi-channel tracking tools (free in Google Analytics) can tell you which channels are truly helping, so you can spend more time on building them out.

Congratulations! You’ve completed the “15 Days to Better Conversions” course. Conversion improvement is an on-going process so just because the course is over does not mean you’re finished.

Your Assignment

Your final assignment is to continue to test and track various components of your website to improve your conversions. Then, share your results with us! We can’t wait to hear your success story.

Need help with any of the steps we’ve covered?

Talk to us about how we can help you with testing, tracking and modifying your website to optimise it for sales and the search engines.

What We’ve Covered

Day #1: Examine Your Audience and Your Core Offer
Day #2: Optimizing Your Call to Actions
Day #3: Improve Your Lead Forms and Increase Signups
Day #4: Your Headline – Your Page’s Most Important Sentence
Day #5: Keep Attention With Strong Transitions
Day #6: Web Design Tips for Better Conversions
Day #7: Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment by Improving Your Checkout
Day #8: Boost Conversions by Managing Expectation and Relevance
Day #9: Master the Art of Creating Urgency
Day #10: Use Video to Boost Trust and Conversions
Day #11: Add Social Proof to Your Sales Process
Day #12: Accessibility Makes You Real (and Improves Sales)
Day #13: Tailoring Your Guarantee and Return Policy
Day #14: Getting Started With A/B Split Testing
Day #15: More Ideas for Better Conversions